Technology Development

Operational testing and evaluation (OT&E) is the formal process of testing new weapons, combat systems and capabilities, tactics, and procedures in realistic operational conditions for the purpose of evaluating their effectiveness, suitability, and survivability while executing the intended mission.  This critical process can be viewed as the final gate in a system acquisition process intended to insure that the warfighter receives the capability that was intended and that it enhances the warfighter’s mission effectiveness.

Some examples of our successful technology development projects are summarized in the following table.

Project Description
Signal Processing Algorithms
Adaptive beamforming algorithms for application in highly non-stationary environments; optimal spectral analysis of rapidly evolving signals.
High-speed Computing Systems
Design and implementation of distributed and parallel computational architectures for intensive processing of complex multidimensional data sets.
Acoustic Imaging Processor
Design and implementation of an acoustic imaging processor for the analysis of submarine acoustic signature data collected at the noise trials of fleet submarines. The processor provides near-real-time, high-resolution narrowband and broadband images of the submarine’s radiated noise field over a broad frequency range. The processor incorporates the analysis tools for extracting data and parameters of interest.
Special Communications Systems
Design, integration, and fielding of a special-purpose, application-specific communications system capable of conditioning sensor data for long-haul transmission and transmitting the data to a remote data center for processing.
Engineering Tools
Developed to support various engineering development projects. Physical and mathematical modeling of sensors and systems and their operational environments. Applied to design-trade studies in support of the definition of underwater acoustic and optical sensors and communications systems.
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